Qui Vive CC – Growth & Expansion

Qui Vive CC has had a tremendous growth in the past decade which was made possible with the strong support of its members, supporters and well wishers. We at Qui Vive CC are delighted to announce that our TENTH senior team has been registered to play in the KNCB league. We have come a long way from the days when we had a tough time finding 11 players to complete ONE team. Apart from the seniors, youth has also seen a growth. We have now registered 5 youth teams in various age groups. The women’s team is also training hard and is looking for team mates to join them.

We are also happy to announce the launch of Qui Vive Almere facility, This was possible with the support of SportService Almere and B.S.C. Almere ’90. This summer the younger youth will be seen in action at Almere playing against other cricket clubs in The Netherlands.

If you want to be part of this growing family, send us an email at info@quivivecc.com and we will be more than happy to provide you with information.

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