Youth Director: Rajesh Elangovan
Head youth coach: Andrew Baird
Qui Vive’s youth programme, the Qui Vive CubZ, was launched in 2015, and aims to attract young cricketers, including beginners, between the ages of 7 and 16. New CubZ, both boys and girls, are always welcome!
The aims of the programme are to create
- a stable, well-organised youth section
- strongly based in the local community
- catering for both boys and girls
- where children of all ages enjoy the game
- and play within the Spirit of Cricket.

KNCB Cricket club of the year
Qui Vive Cricket Club has been named the best cricket club in the Netherlands by the KNCB in 2014 and 2016. The board of QVCC is on the photo with representatives of the KNCB.
Do you have any questions?
Then don’t hesitate to get in touch. You can expect a response to emails within 72 hours.